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                厉害了我的冰箱! 美的冰箱532又添新殊荣

                楼主:Design匠心之路 时间:2020-11-16 09:37:22

                继三月初,美的冰箱事业部凡帝罗BCD-532WGPZV法式冰箱载誉“Red Dot”工业设计大奖之后,现又分别荣获2017中国设计红星奖及2017韩国好■设计奖(GD)!





                冰箱的内饰设计完全从用户角度设置,以不改变用户习惯为前提,进一步在便利性上深耕细作,90度开门、独立多功能区、门上药妆盒、温湿精控、全开放抽屉的使用性设计方案都来自用户使用场景的深入挖掘,旨在通过有价值的设计创新跟用户形成共鸣。除了形态、布局以及便利性,在照明方面设计团队也进行了深∑ 入研究和差异化创新,行业独创的曲面面光源配合动态杀菌呼吸灯,在提供360度无死角照明的同时、更关注用户的情感交互。






                The AmazingRefrigerator!

                - Another Honor ofMidea Refrigerator 532

                After the Refrigerator Division of Midea wonthe "Red Dot" Industrial Design Award for Vandelo BCD-532WGPZVFrench-style refrigerator in early March, it is honored the 2017 China Red StarDesign Award and the 2017 South Korean Good Design Award!

                As China’s most influential industrial designaward, China Red Star Design Award was jointly sponsored by China IndustrialDesign Association and the magazine company of New Economy Weekly of the Development Research Center of the StateCouncil in collaboration with local related industrial design associations inChina in 2006.

                Established in 1985, South Korean Good DesignAward was sponsored by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) andundertaken by Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP). Its mission is tomotivate the development and extensive exploration of excellent productdesigns, enhance the living conditions of humans, boost technical innovation,social problems and production selection of business center, and to achieve theworld-class design accreditation value.


                (So far, the Model532 has won the German Red Dot Award, South Korean Good Design, Japanese G-markAward, and China Red Star Design Award)

                Theproduct is the first product of the third PI upgrade generation from RefrigeratorDepartment. It owns simple and fashionable appearance style, as well as theglass U-shaped finishing cutting technology matched with the metallic artpattern, making the product steady with subtle details, which comes closer tothe home furnishings.

                Interior design ofrefrigerator is completely set from the perspective of the user. Premised onnot changing the user’s habit, the convenience is deeply explored further. Theusage design schemes including door opening at 90°, independent multifunctional area,cosmeceutical box on the door, accuracy control of temperature and humidity andall-open drawer are from the deep digging for the usage scenarios, aiming atresonating with the user through the valuable design innovation. Except for theform, layout and convenience, the design team also deeply study and innovatethe illumination. The original area source with curved surface in the industrycombined with the dynamic germicidal breathing light not only can provide the360° illumination with no dead angle, but also focus on theaffective interaction with the user.

                As to this award winning, the RefrigeratorDepartment participated in the competition by the form of product (obtained theaward by means of the conceptual model in the past). It means that the Mideaindustrial design is recognized by the authority for many times andadditionally the improvement of manufacturing process of Midea refrigerator isfully confirmed. We will take this chance to achieve the strategic target ofthe product leadership by the design competition, so as to realize theinternational brand image of Midea refrigerator.

                Sinceits launch on May 1, nearly 10,000 Model 532 four-side refrigerators have beendelivered cumulatively. Of all refrigerator models of Midea, the Model 532ranked first in sales among all high-end products with TOP10 selling prices(over CNY7,000). Satisfaction really reflects their affirmation on Midea!

                Midea continues to explore the industrial design of refrigerators, andattaches equal importance to design and accreditation. Our mission is to createmore beautiful products and make our products more user-friendly and create abetter residence and a more wonderful life!

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